Released in 2014, Love & Mercy tells the story of Beach Boys singer/songwriter Brian Wilson through two narratives juxtaposed between his life in the 1960's and the 1980's. In the early settings, he is played by Paul Dano and here he creates original music that will become signature Beach Boys music as well as create the powerfully influential album, Pet Sounds. In the later setting, he is played by John Cusack and spends his time overcoming his oppressive manager while battling the more aggressive forms of his dementia.
While a critically praised movie, Love & Mercy never experienced widespread popularity nor significant financial windfalls. Faneditor TMY2C has set out to make an original edit to complement the movie, not to right the wrongs of the original by focusing exclusively on the portion of the film that is set in the 1960's. Join Beezo, and GBTM co-founders Donna and Ethan as they discuss TMY2C's stand alone fanedit, Love & Mercy: The Brian Wilson Sessions.